An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth's crust that creates seismic waves. At earth's surface , earthquakes mainfest themselves by shaking and sometimes craking the ground.When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore,the seabed sometimes suffers displacement to cause a tsunami.The shaking in earthquakes can also make landslides and sometomes volcanic activity.
What are the types of faults,why they form and where they occur?
There are 3 main types of fault that may cause earthquakes:normal,reverse and strike slip.
What are seismic waves? and what are there names?
Seismic waves are waves that travel through the earth or other elastic body,for example as the result of an earthquake,explosion or some other process that makes forces to the body.Seismic waves are also continually excited on earth by the i pounding on ocean waves and the wind.The seismic waves are called the p waves and s waves.
How are Earthquakes Measured?
Two numbers are commenly given to describe earthquakes-intensity and magnitude. INTENSITY,also referred as the "Mercalli scale" is a number based on peoples observation.It is related to the damage caused by local ground shaking and ground failure.This scale ranges from I up to XII.
MAGNITUDE,commomly reffered to as the "Richter Scale" quantitatively describes the strength of an earthquake.It is usually based on the maximum aplitutde of certain types of seismic waves recored on a seismograph.The Richter Scale was origanally developed in the 1930's.
What are the types of stress?
The types of stress are tension,compresion,and shearing.
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